What is PCM (Process Communication Model®)?

This communication model was developed by the psychologist Taibi Kahler in the 1970s. It is both a communication tool and a model for discovering and understanding one's own personality and the personality of others. After observing several groups of people for a long time, Taibi Kahler came to the following conclusion: we are all a mix of 6 personality types. We have a basic personality type (who we are in all circumstances), and characteristics of each of the other personality types. But be careful, this model is not intended to put people in boxes!

What is the purpose of PCM?

This model allows us to communicate with others by listening to what they say and by trying to decipher what they feel and believe. Above all, it allows us to pay attention to the way we say things, to really connect with others and to build better relationships.

You want to take the online test and get your personality profile?

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